Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not a Lot of News and a Special Appeal

I thought I'd add type up an entry just to let everyone know that I'm alive and doing well. There really is not a whole lot of news to report other than I'm getting settled into life back in Kenya. The farm is fairly quiet. There are only 3 other volunteers on the farm. Mary, the fantastic nurse that helped care for me when I got sick, Nikki a mzungu from South Africa, and Eveline, a young woman from Hong Kong. Nikki and Eveline are both doing Micro Enterprise Development Trainings. Mary was doing Mobile Clinics but is now doing EMPOWER classes and General HIV/AIDS Awareness presentations. Myself, well, I'm doing administrative stuff. Because of the lack of volunteers the financial state of the programs in precarious at best. Fortunately, more volunteers will be coming in May and June so things should look a little better.

Normally I would not do this, but I'm going to simply because things are stretched quite thin. If any of you are feeling charitable and want to donate, then there is a link at It takes you to a PayPal site where you can make a donation. Volunteer Kenya is a 501(c)(3) organization so it is a tax deductible donation. Any little bit will help.

I'll write more later as things get more eventful. You know, they always do.

1 comment:

Ron Hager said...

Hi John, It was nice meeting you in Portland at Racquel & Autumn's commitment ceremony. I am pleased to hear your health has allowed you to return to Kenya. I applaud your post urging donations for Volunteer Kenya. Keep up the good work and keep posting. Ron (Racquel’s dad)